Thursday, July 10, 2008

a wooden baseball bat will break if you dont hit the ball with the sweet spot. i broke mine !@#%@%&$#&. isuck

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

you cannot fold an ORDINARY piece of paper more than 8 times. at 8 folds, it is already 256 thicknesses.

however on mythbusters they folded a giant piece of tissue paper 13 times.

woodpulp was never so interesting ~!
you can indeed sneeze with your eyes open, but it hurts - tim

doughnuts determine the size of the small of your back - edrea

im white - everyone. so enough with that already !

The Internet Is A Series Of Tubes

i need not say more, just listen to this stupid white man.

Monday, July 7, 2008

This isnt really a random fact. but it is random. and godamn it, its really cute.

i promise this blog will not degenerate into a link dump !

and 10Q all for the comments

Thursday, July 3, 2008


IM WHITE (wtf we knew that)

#2 : a grasshopper is more nootrishus than a piece of steak

but jem, a sirloin just tastes better!

thanks for all the comments folks !

now for todays random fact:
baseballs(and softballs for that matter) FLOAT!

they are pretty hard, and fairly dense, but they have a specific density of less than 1. they are made of a cork core, wrapped tightly with yarn, then with a nice leather shell stitched together. now there has been contention that the manufacturers of major league baseballs have made the ball more lively by wrapping the yarn tighter, and this may be the case. however more significant than that is the moisture of the ball. dry balls fly further than damp balls when whacked. as such, major league baseball teams are putting the balls that they give to pitchers into a humidifier before play.(i got that from mythbusters)