Wednesday, April 30, 2008

as i trundle home on the train, im surrounded by people mashing buttons on their PSPs, listening to music i hate. i want to play and listen to songs that even the blokes selling guitars have never heard of, i play sports that people think are fake. why wasnt i born in a different time, in a different continent. why am i imprisoned for the rest of my life and for the next two years of my life. what did i do wrong. why cant i honestly enjoy what everyone else enjoys. am i subconsciously making my life difficult somehow? or is it just me

Monday, April 28, 2008

your the meaninging in mai laife

your the insparayshun

chicago is an incredibly enduring band, which reedy vocals and rabid fans. what was chicago known as before it was called "chicago" ??

go find out some random facts !

then leave comment k


dogx have a tendency to pace around in circles before lying down to sleep or rest. this is an instinct attributable to back then they roamed in grassy plains, and they didnt want grassy asses when lying down. so theyd pace in a circle and trample the grasses flat.

sorry for waiting so long to update, i needed some INSPARAYSHUN.


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Ribena is a tasty purple drink. its color can be described as deep purple. if sufficient ice or even dry ice or god forbid liquid nitrogen is placed into ribena, there may even be smoke on the water, by deep purple.

ribena berry men have little green dickleaves to cover their privates.

why, for the love of humanity do they have to give totally asexual advertising creatures a dickleaf???? if i were to draw them without the dickleaf it would not be obscene at all ! the addition of the dickleaf MAKES they purple bastards obscene.

go drink some ribena


Sunday, April 13, 2008

National Service is a propaganda term.

what it really is is conscription.

Another word i prefer to use is indentured service.

indentured service is where people are forced to work against their will for pathetically little pay.

i feel that it is just half a rung above slavery

never believe any piece of propaganda that this socialist government feeds you unless you examine it for yourself and hold it to be true to your own understanding.

this isnt a fact, its an idea

you may choose to disagree
penguinz and polarbears. never the twain shall meet.

for polar bears live only in the north pole, and penguins, only in the south !

ketchup comes from the word "ke tzup" in cantonese, which means tomato sauce.

both courtesy of charm.


Friday, April 11, 2008


prawns are tasty underwater creatures.

pidgeons KROO
dogs BARK

prawns crackle. underwater, the sound they make is a crackling one. its often responsible for interference in sonar, and to the average person with his or her head underwater, the sound they make is a crackling. sharp popping kind of crackling. not a rustling. so there !


Monday, April 7, 2008

audience participation !

my intelligence (har har har) indicates that people are acutally reading my blog ! kumtryah !

i now entreat you to give me suggestions for random facts, also, i have a random fact i want my friends to tell me!

how did ketchup get its name? catsup? ketchup? its got termaters in it! how?!

you tell me ! comment!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

the aircraft carrier is the great satans' most fearsome naval vessel. infact, the ability to launch aircraft make the aircraft carrier the most fearsome vessel in the world period. however, the aircraft carrier used to be an extremely risky prospect, however two great BRITISH inventions make the aircraft carrier a viable prospect.

the first is the steam catapult. modern jet aircraft have a high stall speed, and the STEAM catapult is imperative to propel the aircraft at speeds fast enough to not flop into the davy jones locker.

the next british invention is extremely klevar. it is the INCLINED landing strip with arresting wires. having the landing strip inclined on the flightdeck allows aircraft that have failed to succcesfully snag a landing wire to fly away and make another pass. this ability to do a "bolter" eliminates dangerous runaway planes from crashing into other planes on the flightdeck

go tell your friends some random facts !

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


WD-40, the magical solution to all mechanical problems. it stops squeaks, prevents rust, why it even quenches thirst!

WD-40 stands for WATER DISPLACEMENT-40. 40 refers to the "weight" or viscosity of the fluid.

while many people love WD-40 for its lubricating properties (think hinges) and its anti- rust properties, few realise that its actually a penetrating SOLVENT too.

this means it does things like remove chewing gum, clean up adhesive residue etc al. there are thousands of uses for WD-40 online. go find em

the problem is that WD 40 isnt that great a lubricant, it isnt very long lasting. so if you WD-40 your bike chain, please, use a proper heavyweight grease on it after that!

now go use some WD-40, and go tell your freinds some random facts!


or what also might be knows as "PLASTER"

self sticking plaster is believed to be the innovation of one Earle Dickson. at or around 1920, he got really sick of his wife getting into minor domestic accidents. one would think that he would ditch the wife, but no, he invented band-aids instead.

in my own opinion, the best sticking plasters on the market today are hansaplast elastic cos they ACTUALLY STICK. unlike the DAMN DRESSING ON MY THUMB NOW. which doesnt stick. i have only myself to blame for for non-adherence, cos sweaty palms prevent sticking plaster from sticking! other things that may impede sticking plaster from sticking are hair and touching the sticky bit before sticking it down.

now go tell your friends some random facts !