Saturday, April 5, 2008

the aircraft carrier is the great satans' most fearsome naval vessel. infact, the ability to launch aircraft make the aircraft carrier the most fearsome vessel in the world period. however, the aircraft carrier used to be an extremely risky prospect, however two great BRITISH inventions make the aircraft carrier a viable prospect.

the first is the steam catapult. modern jet aircraft have a high stall speed, and the STEAM catapult is imperative to propel the aircraft at speeds fast enough to not flop into the davy jones locker.

the next british invention is extremely klevar. it is the INCLINED landing strip with arresting wires. having the landing strip inclined on the flightdeck allows aircraft that have failed to succcesfully snag a landing wire to fly away and make another pass. this ability to do a "bolter" eliminates dangerous runaway planes from crashing into other planes on the flightdeck

go tell your friends some random facts !

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