Friday, May 30, 2008

gloves and mitts

A glove has individual fingers, whereas a mitt has several fingers stuffed into a single compartment, usually with the thumb separate to facilitate grasping.

The rules of baseball state that only the first baseman and catcher may wear mitts. baseball mitts usually are constructed with a one-piece palm and finger, with some kind of strap arrangement inside for control. the thumb is separate.

the rules of baseball also state that no glove may be larger than 12".

however, most softball gloves are between 12 to 13 inches. softball gloves as large as 14 inches are seen, but generally only used by outfielders. baseball gloves tend to hover between 11.25 to the maximum 12 inches.

outside of the diamond, mitts are usually worn for warmth as having the fingers together keeps them all warm. however, some tasks like shooting may be impossible, so mitts with individual index fingers are available for hunting in fricking cold climates. but my granduncle joe decided that he didnt need ANY mitt or glove coverage and cut the index finger off his mitt.

now he has bad arthuritis in his finger from hours of leaving it out in the cold.

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